Have you ever trained in a Martial Art before? YES / NO
If answered YES please give details below:
If you have listed previous experience or grades within Shotokan Karate, or any Karate Referee or Coaching qualifications please attach evidence of these to this application (e.g. copies of certificates or licence entries)
I the undersigned, confirm that all of the information provided above is accurate and true. I understand that any false information provided, will invalidate my membership and may lead to expulsion from the Association. I also agree to abide by the SSKI and Karate codes and I agree
not to use my art except in the defence of my family and friends and law and order.
Signed: ...................................................... Date: .....................................
This form and any accompanying certificate evidence must be completed and returned as soon as possible to your club Instructor with the correct remittance fee. Your Instructor reserves the right to decline an application without giving reason.
Parent or guardian if under 18yrs of age
For office use:
Application accepted: YES/ NO Date: accepted: .................... By: ....................
Grade proof obtained: YES / NO Verified: YES / NO
First SSKI licence number: ............................