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Seishinkai Shotokan Karate International
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Malcolm Phipps
No. 3 The Copse
Hemel Hempstead
Hertfordshire HP1 2TA

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15th Monday...Reading Grading at the Warehouse. 6pm.

18th Thursday...Hemel Hempstead Grading at Highfield Community Centre. 6.15pm.

26th Monday…Sensei Philip Barton’s 4th Dan grading at Highfield Community Centre from 6.15 – 8.00pm.  All brown and black-belts to attend.

20th Saturday…SSKI Spring Course at Highfield Community Centre from 1pm to 5pm.  Course instructors: Sensei Malcolm Phipps 9th Dan, Sensei Tony Bunting 8th Dan and Sensei Jeff Carson 6th Dan.

29th Monday…Sensei Stephanie Farrer’s 4th Dan grading at Highfield Community Centre from 6.15 – 8.00pm.  All brown and black-belts to attend.

5th Saturday…SSKI Autumn Course at Highfield Community Centre from 1pm to 5pm.  Course instructors: Sensei Malcolm Phipps 9th Dan, Sensei Tony Bunting 8th Dan and Sensei Jeff Carson 6th Dan.

2Oth Monday...Philip Barton’s 4th Dan grading retake at Highfield Community Centre from 6.15pm. Black and Brown belts to attend.  Lesson fee £5

Thursday 11th July…Hemel Hempstead club’s mock grading at 6.15pm at Highfield Community Centre.

Thursday 18th July…Hemel Hempstead club’s grading at 6.15pm at Highfield Community Centre.

14th Thursday - Hemel Hempstead Dojo - Kyu Grading from 6.15pm.

7th Saturday ...Association AGM at Highfield Community Centre.  1 - 3pm.